Sunday, April 29, 2012

Beer Judging / BJCP

You do it every time you drink a beer. You may not realize it but you are. You are judging.

Of course, a formal judging has specific parameters and requires a much more analytic method. Mouthfeel, volumes of Co2, yeast character, hop aroma, color in degrees SRM, etc.

If you think you might enjoy a formal education in analyzing your favorite beer and learning proper characteristics of dozens of classic styles, The Beer Judge Certification Program has all the resources you need to become a industry-accepted judge.

Consisting of a preliminary online test followed by a sit-down tasting, participants have the opportunity to achieve various levels of certification. Higher levels must not only score well on the exam but must also have a certain number of competitions judged and/or hosted.

Study hard if you plan to take the test... the exam is designed for serious beer enthusiast.

Funding for any new business is always a challenge. But let's say you find the loans you are looking for... now comes the issue of debt.

At entrepreneurs have an opportunity to raise start-up capital totally free of any loan requirement and debt. Users host videos showing off their marketing skills and giving viewers an opportunity to get to know the details of their project. Each video allows people to donate various amounts and with each level comes a corresponding reward (anything ranging from a t-shirt to a private event in your honor).

One catch, however,  is if the goal each project is aiming for is not met... the project receives nothing.

Kickstarter has been increasingly popular with nano/micro breweries... some earning as much as $40,000.

This system is clearly designed to reward users who are great with networking and their ability to make a clever video as part of a greater marketing plan... regardless how good or bad their product is. What results from this is up for argument.

Kickstarter is a great potential tool for any start-up and for those who want to support independent businesses in their area and abroad.