Friday, June 1, 2012

Advice from Greg Koch (Stone)

Greg Koch, CEO of Stone Brewing, recently made an appearance as the keynote speaker at the Cuayamaca Community College graduation ceremony. Here is some of the advice he gave as reported from the college's blog...

1) Do good things - 
It does matter. Everything you do in this world counts. It counts for the worse, or it counts for the better.
2) Be a conscious consumer - In the grocery store, in the shopping mall, or online, don't buy what the man on the TV tells you to buy. Refuse to be led by the nose with the idea that you need to buy, buy, buy and spend, spend, spend.
3) Follow the passionate path, and have fun - Do things that matter to you. Follow your heart. Follow your passion. Do things that you enjoy.

4) Ignore everyone - This is key is you're to follow the passionate path. You'll need to realize that you cannot listen to other voices than your own. It's difficult enough to overcome the doubt, fear and negativity of our own internal voice. Don't allow any external voices to add to it.
5) Fail - "Don't be afraid to fail" is what many people will tell you. I want to amp that up a bit. I want to urge you to stretch, push and risk so much that you DO fail. Make mistakes. Maybe try and avoid huge ones, but you can recover from nearly all of the medium-sized mistakes, and definitely all of the small ones. 

You can find the full summary of what he had to say at the college's
blog HERE.

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